
Crisp neutral jacket, bright red lipstick, black pumps and a retro pay phone- how do you say inspiration? The simplicity of the photo is the beauty of it. At a first glance, you see a model posing with a pay phone. A deeper look provides us with a visual of spring 2011 fashion: the jacket, the lipstick, the heels. And the pay phone makes the picture retro-esque and it blends into the city girl atmosphere of the photo.
Photo courtesy of Vogue China
Are those Louboutins we're looking at? Indeed they are! Although the magazine doesn't specify the brand of the shoes, we can sneak a peek at the signature, red Louboutin bottoms. Just what is the photo inspiring? It inspires a throwback style, something we can always wear that will be the "in" thing. A jacket with heels, red lipstick and an up-do will never die out and this photo inspires us to continue on with our seasonal trends but always remember the classics.
Always strive for style.
xx, ZM

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