Holiday Outfits: Day Seven

Headband- Made by me
Sunflower two piece- Bird in a Cave
Crochet waistcoat- Beyond Retro
Shoes- Jeffrey Campbell

Put your hands up if your obsessed with sunflower print right now! I know myself and a lot of people I follow on instagram are anyway so when I saw that a mutual friend was making two pieces out of this fabric I asked her to make me a shorts and crop top and here it is. You can order from Bird in a Cave on their facebook page here, the two piece is an absolute bargain too at £18.50!

I don't really know why but I didn't want my outfit to be too simple so I chucked on this waistcoat and sunflower/daisy flower crown and ended up with this festival-esque number. 

Sadly this is my last holiday outfit post from the evenings :( but I am going to do one big day outfit post/random photos tomorrow!


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